I decided to create a blog to share the many pictures I take everyday and to also be a little more creative in what I do on a daily basis. Sometimes I feel like my days are pretty boring, but others I feel like I can make beautiful pictures and memories out of. Hope you enjoy!!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

A Baby Bump Worth Blogging About

Today I am now 29 1/2 weeks pregnant and I feel like something isn't quite clicking...
Everyone asks me how I am, and I wanna say ready to get this baby out of me, but all I can say is I'm good... I feel like being pregnant should be the happiest time of my life, but I am miserable most days. She does put a smile on my face when she moves or makes my belly jump, but for the most part I am just ready to have my body back.
Don't get me wrong I totally love her with all my heart and I am excited to be a mom I just feel like this needs to end. haha
I guess you can call me a complainer, and that I will admit I am. I can't say for sure why I'm not totally enjoying being pregnant, and my next pregnancy may be totally different, but at this point when I see another pregnant woman I feel sorry for her, when I used to think they were precious. I feel like I'm not alone in this, but to the women out there that had a perfectly easy pregnancy...YOU SUCK...and to those who totally enjoyed every second...God Bless You!!!

But now that I am done complaining and whining I said I would put up baby bump pictures and that was 6 months ago...so to catch you up.

2 Months Pregnant

3 Months Pregnant

4 Months Pregnant

5 Months Pregnant

6 Months Pregnant

Our Little Delaney


  1. You are not alone! Not that I know from experience, but I have a friend that is due in 4 weeks and I know she is ready to just be done being pregnant. I hope this time goes by fast for you! :)

  2. btw you look beautiful! Hope to see you soon and let me know where you are registered!!!
